本帖最后由 lanyao1920 于 2009-10-31 08:49 编辑
9.10只fix了很小一部分bug,你遇到的鼠标指针变大和全屏视频黑屏都在bug list里的
**o friends.
At the time of writing this I can find 8.660 driver RC6,7,8,9, catalyst9.9 and 9.10 betas. In this topic, I would just like to make acollection of related HD5800 series bug reports and suggestions for thefuture releases of catalyst drivers. This is community feedback for theAti driver development team. Hopefully it will garner the attention ofthe right folks.
- Currently many report problems changing clock/mem speeds in overdrive and having their secondary display flicker 5850/5870.
- Some complaints of the AA, AF, and 3d settings locations beingdifficult to access because of thier various locations in the ControlCenter (compared to being centralized in NVCP)
- Artifacts (green dots & various textures) in the shadows in some 3d and 2d apps on 5870 + 5870 CF.
- Texture fickering & shimmering in games like crysis
- Texture flashing prior to launching games like NFSshift, Warhead, and Fear.
- Poor compatibility with DX10 titles on 1900x1080 Progressive modes onHDTV. Output from HDMI to an HDTV is interlaced at lower Hz in dx10titles. Temporary solution was to add 24/59/60hz display modes intv-out HDTV options. 4000 + 5000 series.
- Problems connecting Displayport out to Displayport monitors (Applecinema). Multiple cables were used, but CCC recognizes Display, yetcannot display image and reports an error.
- Poor overall Vantage Performance scores with Phenom II CPU on Windows 7 64bit. Relates to gpu and cpu scores.
- Folding at Home drivers & compatibility has been an issue. Considered lack of proper F@H support. GPU utilization @ ~75%
- Ability to have Customizable game profiles in CCC. Wanted by the ati fanbase for some time now.
- Memory leak with Cat. 9.9 in Windows Vista
- Poor performance / Incompatibility with Anno 1404 dx9/dx10 resulting in black textures
- Unusual frame drops in RE5 with adaptive msaa in dx10, corrupted display image
- Updates to AVIVO with more codec support
- Crashes reported in the game 'AION'
- Renaming game .exe's (nfsshift.exe to grid.exe) helps to initiate aprofile, but is not a user-freindly solution for the novice or beginnerati customer. A user-friendly driver menu-approach like Ray Adams ATTor NVCP is wanted everywhere I look. Hopefully that is coming.
- Hard lockups with frozen game image on screen in NFS: shift
- Individual control over each GPU in overdrive tab for multiple gpu cards
- Desktop Pointer & cursor corruption with 9.10 beta.
- Mouse pointer will enlarge to being about 5-10x (not sure exactly butreally big) normal size and not revert until reboot. Very rarely willrevert back to normal size. Sometimes it's normal on one display andLARGE on the other display. Not exactly sure what triggers it.
- Top third of main display (2560x1600) will flash with weird textures when triggering UAE in Vista 64.
- Cannot run video using 3D acceleration with any other applicationusing 3D. Either game or another video without massive slowdown (feelslike Windows XP). Eventually leading to a black screen. Does not affectWMP, but does affect GOM player and MPC. If this happens have to hardreset.
- Vista 64 has corrupted display when coming out of sleep mode. Only option is to hard reset.
- XP Video enhancements don't function (even with VMR9) (edge enhance/noise reduction/etc).
- XP Video enhancements show up with 3850 even though it doesn't support them
- XP Sometimes after enabling/disabling the second display, the monitorwill no longer power down at the set timeout but instead flickers offand back on.
- Win7 Desktop color and video color settings don't stay set. They come back if I go back into CCC.
- Win7 Video enhancements show up with 3850 even though it doesn't support them
- Avivo settings in CCC reset themselves to defaults upon reset / reboot.
This list will be updated & submitted to ati as a bug-report. Please contribute any bug reports or fixes that need mentioning. Thank you. |