各位新加入HDChina大家庭的朋友们你们好,新的规则中规定了一周内需要达到1500分才能留下来。但目前我站正遭受严重的黑客攻击,大家打开网站比较吃力,而且积分的统计也因此收到了严重影响。现特此公告一下,我们可能会根据网站的运行情况,在数日后微调积分规则。请大家不必过分担心。 Welcome aboard! If you've read our rules, you should already noticed that you gotta earn 1500 points bonus in 7 days or you gotta go. But...wtf...we're under attack by some son of a ***** hackers. Maybe your bonus will show some unexpected number...Now, don't worry about it too much, we'll do some changes for our new rules or something else for this. Good luck.