Finally, as we asked in the title, was it worth the wait? No, probably not. A 15% faster single-GPU card is appreciated and we’re excited to see both AMD and NVIDIA once again on competitive footing with each other, but otherwise with much of Fermi’s enhanced abilities still untapped, we’re going to be waiting far longer for a proper resolution anyhow. For now we’re just happy to finally have Fermi, so that we can move on to the next step.
最后,同我们的标题所述:6个月的等待,值得吗? 不,大概不值得。当然一个快15%的GPU是值得肯定的,我们也很激动的看到A跟N再一次站在了平等竞争的平台上,但另一方面,费米的很多新的功能没有露出底牌,不管怎么说我们将会等待一段很长的时间才能看到最终的结论。当前来说,我们很高兴终于等来了费米,因为我们可以进行下一步的工作了。 |