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蓝宝石 ATI HD 3870X2 1G 安装驱动导致蓝屏死机问题的解决

发表于 2010-10-22 09:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发现自己的DIY水平还是太差了,ATI HD 3870X2 1G装驱动怎么么装不好,导致ati2dvag.dll infinite loop蓝屏死机,或许是单卡Crossfir的问题?发现安装催化剂10.9后有四个核心,怎么可能呢?

Windows XP SP3 32位正版(单位的)
CPU Q6600
RAM 2GX2 DDR3 1333
Hard Disk WD 1T
Power Dell XPS 750W
LCD 22 HP 1440X900 OR 1680X1050
ATI的驱动到底是催化剂Catalyst 8.1或8.3对3870X2支持好呢,还是催化剂 catalyst 10.9好?
ATI HD 3870X2应该**病,因为不装驱动很正常,装最新驱动过一会ati2dvag.dll infinite loop蓝屏,会不会是和升技X48不兼容呀?
After tried 10s of drivers from Catalyst 8.1 to 10.9, the ATI HD 3870X2 always have blue screen of death (BSOD) problems.Several method tried,but no one can solve this problem of Ati2dvag.dll infinite loop problem.
Once I installed the ATI Catalyst 8.3 drivers,which someone says the most stable one, problem continues.In the safe mode,I found in the "My computers",right click into "Hardware management Central",List of hardwares there is two 3870X2 GPU in "Graphical Card".So I Think maybe the driver of 3870X2 have been installed on both GPU core and both core was identified as two core and so on. So I "Delete or Uninstall" the upper one 3870X2 GPU Card in the list.Then Reset and after in Windows XP 32 bit it was stable and no "ATI2DVAD.DLL Infinite Loop" problems.So This is the perfect solution for the ATI HD 3870X2 Install Driver problems of BSOD and ATI2DVAG problems,And I Guess it might be also useful for ATI HD 4870X2 graphical Card and other card have multicores.
To Identify the solution is perfect,I Delete both 3870X2 in Safe mode,and restart the PC. Then Downlaod the recent ati catalyst 10.9 of pure drivers, and install the drivers,then BSOD problem of ATI2DVAG.DLL happen again.So The Same Way as above,I start PC In safe mode by press "F8" key,and  In "hardware mana" remove above one 3870X2 GPU Card and restart the computer, and all are perfect and no BSOD of Ati2dvag.dll problems.
So I think maybe this is the perfect solution for ATI HD 3870X2 Ati2dvag.dll BSOB Blue Screen of Death Problems and contribute to you.
My Computer
Windows XP SP3 32 bit
CPU Q6600
RAM 2GX2 DDR3 1333
Hard Disk WD 1T
Power Dell XPS 750W
LCD 22 HP 1440X900 OR 1680X1050
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