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A Review of DAC A-1 from an American(多一个参考)

发表于 2010-11-4 22:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
( s6 V7 C* u; |& T8 |原文在此:http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/476557/review-of-the-purepiper-dac-a-1-an-excellent-24-96-budget-dac/60
( ~6 ?/ d9 H. |; h+ _! q. C" d) N
——purepiper 引用:
I have had the Purepiper for several weeks now and have had it in my main system where it shared some time with my Benchmark DAC1 as well as in my office system where it replaced my other Benchmark DAC1.  I really cannot add much to the impressions above by Slim.a.(他的评测在此: http://bbs.dalaba.me/viewthread.php?tid=2897&extra=page%3D1) He did a great job characterizing this dac.  It is a pretty nice piece of equipment for the $.  2 t0 ]) O7 R/ k3 N/ e* ~" t
2 t/ V: T" E) Y# I& @/ v
In my main system, it did a great job of reproducing a flat frequency balance.  Compared to the Little Dot Dac for instance it was much more natural and did not exhibit the excessive plumbiness in guitars and upper bass that the LD does.  Also highs were a bit on the restrained side but not at all tipped up like so many lower costs dacs.  It did a good job of resolving details and space although compared to my Benchmark one could easily hear the difference that spending 5X more dollars brings.  
( t9 S. M8 z* ]' u' R; q" g3 m5 R/ \7 K
Unlike Slim.A I did find that the Purepiper like most dacs is dependent on a good transport to sound it's best.  From my Macbook via very high quality Glass toslink it did a good job but was just lacking a bit in dynamics and space between instruments compared to the $1k dac.  When I tried the USB to spdif adapter that is also made by Purepioer I could hear that the noise floor crept up a bit and that highs were now more prevalent as well as bass.  Upon further listening the highs revealed a bit of brittle metal tone that I have heard on other usb implementations.  Perhaps it is the electrical noise coming through he USB connection as well as some USB jitter.  The sound-stage also sounded a bit off.  Vocals a bit too forward.  Overall I liked it best via toslink with the mac.  Even when I tried the Halide bridge I still preferred toslink.  With the Halide the sound had become better separated but lacked warmth (which I know is on the recordings).  the Halide also seemed to strip a bit of chest away from female vocals like Diana  Krall.  Detail of breath and mouth were increased but body decreased.
. c, I  i' k0 {- p2 k2 t
2 c; J# U( n6 e2 K. b! E1 V; CIn my office system being fed by the Apple TV, jitter made it sound like the sound-stage was contained between the speakers just like it had with the Benchmark but with less detail and resolution of instruments and voices.  Highs did not have the dynamics or extension of the Benchmark.  But given that the ATV is not the best transport out there, it did well enough that if I had not owned or heard the Benchmark in this system, that I might be fairly happy with the Purepiper and the AT.   It was not until I fed the Purepiper with the coax out of my  Opera Droplet CD player that I really heard how the Purepiper can sound.  Increased resolution, much better sounds-stage width and cleaner highs as well as more weight to the bass.  Even with the jitter reduction capabilities of the DIR9001 receiver chip, it seems a lower jitter transport will sound better with the Purepiper dac.  Perhaps my new Logitech Touch will have lower jitter and will get me close to how the Purepiper can sound with my CD transport.) B1 y( N! L* ?0 {4 Y
% C' ~& o5 V% S2 L+ u7 g  t9 p
On a final note, I will say that the Purepiper is receptive to power cord changes and the tone of it like may dacs can be tuned if you will by swapping cords.  Since it doe snot come with a power cord, one must find a suitable one.  It sounded nice with my vintage Volex cord and even weightier with my VH Audio Flavor 4.  Feels kind of wierd putting a $250 cord on a $225 dac, but at least the Volex was only $15 back when I bought a half dozen of them./ c1 J( O" x5 @# B7 P1 c. i& B

- n* O  a1 y* OAll in all the Purepiper is a very nice dac for the price and better than the Little Dot DAC2 that I had for a short time.  No one will mistake it for a $750 dac like the EE minimax or the PS audio DACIII.  The PS is without a doubt the best sounding dac under $800 that have heard and could easily live with it versus the Benchmark.  They are just different flavors.  I will also say that the Pupepiper may also be preferred to my favorite under $500 dac, the Apogee Duet.  The Duet is more musical but a bit less natural in freq response, so if you like a less romantic sound and can live with a little less dynamics then the Purepiper might be a good choice.4 t, E( n9 K7 w" w4 t

3 r( N  H4 L# r6 nThe Purepiper dac is also quite revealing of the digital source.  Using PureMusic I found hog mode and upsampling to 96khz to sound the best with the Macbook.  I also found that running it direct to my amp and bypassing my pre made  for the most transparent sound.5 b' K( t4 \" o" \- [/ J  b! W

5 c9 ?( u: r  d2 h! EOne final note, all listening was done on nicely resolving speakers in both systems since my headphone amp was my Benchmark dac1 in the past. PICS HERE  http://www.head-fi.org/gallery/album/view/id/7658/user_id/17837
" T/ Z' U. b# w) z# T2 i1 f; K$ R$ S4 I
That's about all I can say for now, well done Purepiper.

/ k* M- b/ [% p( `6 f8 \- ^! @
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-4 22:42 | 只看该作者
4 r5 B4 V0 @9 Y; X5 V) f( }0 O/ K# S) U7 X2 U% A  K
纯笛在我手中已有几个星期了且在我的主要与办公系统Benchmark DAC1共处着(作者原本有两台DAC1,现在以纯笛DAC-A1取代办公系统那台DAC1)Slim.A分享文的写得蛮详细和成功,我想我不能再大幅度添加使用心得。这真是一台性价比高的好器材!9 s5 h  C# r$ p* S0 {, }
3 P; Q) `( U1 a6 q% B. X+ }
在我的主要系统中,DAC-A1在声音平衡感上做得很出色。与小不点DAC相比,DAC-A1的声音自然多了,至少在吉他回放上,DAC-A1不会带有小不点DAC那有点过分的厚度与低频!高频上有点稍微内敛但绝不会好像一些低端DAC那般昏暗。解析力和空间感做得很不错,虽然我能容易的听出DAC-A1与Benchmark DAC1的质素分别,不过各位要记得这是付出五倍价差换来的质素差别!( x: V+ ?9 ~! R) {6 J4 w" c# l
% p6 Y1 l' J1 B+ o
Slim-A评论上有一重点,我个人有点不赞同,那就是我觉得DAC-A1绝对与大多数解码器一般对前端敏感,DAC-A1得需要好的前端才能发挥它的实力!我从Macbook用一条高品质的玻璃制光纤线连接DAC-A1,它表现得很不错只是在动态和乐器间的空间感上稍输于一千美元的DAC1。当我试用纯笛的USB转换器时,我能听出噪音多了些,高频和低频量感也变得多些了!详细些听着,发觉接上纯笛USB转换器高频带有一点金属感,我在其他的USB转换器也发觉有类似情况,我想那该是从USB连接哪儿传来的电源噪音和USB本身的jitter,声场也有点不行了且人声有点过于突出。整体来说我最喜欢接上光纤的声音,比Halide bridge (一个卖450美元的USB转换器)更能吸引我!Halide bridge的声音分离度较好但却不够温暖,听起来好像把Diana Krall这些女歌手的声腔共鸣给拿走了,口型与呼吸清晰多了但就是少了厚度。2 _( i$ n! T  ^# k% p) q3 d
: P: f, e  y3 e& E8 J/ k
在我那连接Apple TV的办公系统中,jitter把DAC-A1的声场内缩于两个音箱间,Benchmark在同样的设备中也表现出这声场问题,但Benchmark的解析,乐器与人声表现好些。DAC-A1的高频与动态比Benchmark弱,但于Apple TV这般稍逊色的前端中,若我没听过或拥有DAC1,我想我会满足于DAC-A1!不过,当我决定用Opera Droplet CD机的同轴输出至DAC-A1,那才是纯笛真正的声音质素!更强的解析,更宽的声场,更干净的高频和更有力度的低频!虽然DAC-A1采有减低jitter功能的DIR9001数字晶片来减低前端对声音的影响,但现在证明了配上更低jitter的前端,声音将会变得好多!但愿我那新Logitech Touch的jitter少些,让我的DAC-A1声音质素尽可能接近配上CD机同轴输出那般好!
& a# y6 D+ ^) D& u0 ?1 p
8 R0 N5 w5 p$ i. o8 B到了接近尾声,我可以确定纯笛对电源线蛮敏感,音色能随不同的电源线而改变。由于DAC-A1不随附电源线,用家们得找个正确的。我个人蛮喜欢配上我那古董Volex电源线,力度比我的VH Audio Flavor 4电源线更佳。虽然用250美元的电源线(VH Audio Flavor 4电源线)配上225美元的DAC有点怪,但那15美元的Volex电源线(作者当时买了6条)与DAC-A1蛮般配和有逻辑多了!
, [0 U1 g$ [, d8 g9 M
, M8 _9 u0 \9 P! D7 X) q6 V) T& x我可以说的是纯笛是一个性价比高的DAC,比我那短暂拥有的小不点 DAC2更好!若不说上价钱,我相信没人会怀疑它是价格750美元的DAC,就好像 EE minimax和PS audio DACIII这般价位的DAC!不用怀疑,PS audio DACIII是我听过的800美元以下最好的,对上 Benchmark DAC-1绝不怯场!它们只是不同音色而了。以我个人最喜欢的500美元以下Apogee Duet相比,我个人更喜欢纯笛,Apogee Duet的音乐味重些但声音却不自然,如果喜欢音染较轻的声音且能接受动态上的微差,那纯笛是个好选择!
# Y! W1 l7 z% n  |! y/ T
5 F( S. `+ z  F% `) b0 S3 X纯笛DAC对音乐回放软体也蛮敏感的。在Macbook的PureMusic 软体中,我发觉 hog 状态和升频至96KHZ的声音最好!我也发觉跳过我的前级直接跳至功放能回放出最通透的声音。
% [) K( I% r9 n0 @  ~* h: p  Z+ O7 N! ?: N
以上的测试是以高质素的音箱回放出来的结果,大家可以从这儿 http://www.head-fi.org/gallery/album/view/id/7658/user_id/17837查看我的设备!7 l' R! U2 ]: w9 o. H; c! I

8 j! I" }( a0 l最后我想说的是,做得很不错,纯笛!
8 Y% l8 [% j5 r. J
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-5 13:15 | 只看该作者
昨天看到这贴时候就想说点什么,但是琢磨了半天也不知道该说啥。。结果今天发现还没有人回复。。。。/ R$ Z3 ^. L& x4 l
于是,我终于知道说什么了!4 y* U# T$ Y6 V7 f
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发表于 2010-11-5 14:40 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-11-9 13:35 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-11-9 16:44 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-14 22:11 | 只看该作者
CZQ83 发表于 2010-11-5 14:40
& E1 M6 |9 M. b小不点的东西就是个笑话。
4 p+ ^" S5 U; `
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-14 22:33 | 只看该作者
莳云人CT 发表于 2010-11-14 22:11 0 j9 U' e8 @2 L$ ~. o2 x
& k' l4 m! m3 t, C! U: F
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-20 13:33 | 只看该作者
CZQ83 发表于 2010-11-14 22:33 ( \$ O* O; O& L$ T3 ^3 ^! W  T

( H  C% i* v' t+ Q* u- S没听过小不点,也不知如何。呵呵
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发表于 2010-11-20 22:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 endless 于 2010-11-20 22:31 编辑 6 s# |" r% B" W, a2 S  d7 g

* q" s9 Z4 B% u. ~7 k% {我知道有个很牛 B的操作团体在HEAD-FI做国货推广
' h- U: R* g6 S4 _# Q. G# b0 G2 y; X0 C
通俗点说就是米国木 仓手. B( \) d5 D( F. ?0 q( u$ O7 Z8 f! K

8 _5 k3 g7 ~4 X" F3 m为国争光也是好事
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-21 19:32 | 只看该作者
endless 发表于 2010-11-20 22:30 - z, [+ O9 }( h7 H) B# Z( a
我知道有个很牛 B的操作团体在HEAD-FI做国货推广, n+ O7 c+ J5 @5 I3 K6 X
; v2 ?0 B8 d$ s- J8 q
通俗点说就是米国木 仓手

) `: T1 \  Z6 {! E9 Y+ E' y. N9 g) f& R; p, `
我都不知道。呵呵。1 z' d' N: ]) h, D/ s3 C
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-21 19:34 | 只看该作者
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