本帖最后由 鱼儿水中游 于 2011-3-12 18:50 编辑
老话题了,我一直都认为xp sp3以上的系统都不用装什么所谓的amd双核补丁,但是今天下载了【蝙蝠侠阿卡姆疯人院年度版】的ISO并安装之,它自动给我按上这个双核补丁了。虽然说【蝙蝠侠阿卡姆疯人院】是09年出的游戏,但是【年度版】可是2010年年底刚刚出来的,是个dlc,这么新的游戏竟然给我装了个AMD Dual-Core Optimizer这么老的补丁。我系统是win7 32bit,什么vc++2010运行库、dx最新包之类的我全装上了,基本上按游戏不会出现给我按其他的补丁。装就装了,后来进amd文件夹,查看这个AMD Dual-Core Optimizer的readme.rtf,里面说(我摘录有关vista的):
---Improvementand Fixes---(改进修正列表)
Version 1.1.4* Fixed installation issue on Windows Vista.
Version 1.1.3* Updated AMD Dual-Core Optimizer for compatibility with AMD Family 10hand AMD Family 11h processors.
Version 1.1.2* AMD Dual-Core Optimizer installation no longer requires systemreboot. (Clean installs only, upgradesfrom 1.1.1 still requires reboot.)
Version 1.1.1* AMD Dual-Core Optimizer’s driver has been WHQL tested and signed byMicrosoft Corporation. Version 1.1.0* 4x4 “Gaming Mode” added.
Version 1.0.0* This is the initial release.
* UsingAMD Dual-Core Optimizer while running on ATI Radeon Xpress on-board graphicswill cause system to lock up while running HCT stress test. The problem has been identified as an ATIgraphics driver issue, and an updated version of the ATI graphics driver willbe available sometime in the future to remedy this problem.
* Reports of Blue Screen crash when used with MS Hotfix from KB Article 896256.
* Going into “Gaming Mode” in Windows Vista will create a “cmd”window briefly.
*Microprocessor: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Processors Thissoftware installs and operates under the following operating systems
*Microsoft Windows XP
*Microsoft Windows Server 2003
* Microsoft Windows Vista