Microsoft shows off future graphic tech for Xbox 360Microsoft’s developing new technology for Xbox 360 which uses a system called Mega Meshes that will be supporting tessellation units of Xbox 360 and will increase the polygon count and level of detail by a huge margin for upcoming Xbox 360 exclusives.
The very first game, supporting this tech is Lionhead’s Project Milo, which is unfortunately only a tech demo and won’t be seeing the light of the day as a retail release.
However, Lionhead’s lead programmer, Ben Sugden showed off a presentation at GDC 2011 which showcases some of this revolutionary tech in use for Project Milo and gives us a glimpse into the future as far as visuals goes.
You can read about it in detail over hereand we have screengrabs from the video below which was shown behind closed doors at GDC and features of this tech on display, including the use of tessellation: Lionhead Studio的首席程序师Ben Sugden在今年的GDC大会上,闭门展示了Lionhead全新的引擎。此引擎暂时被称为“Mega Meshes”,支持X360GPU的曲面细分单元(不要认为曲面细分是DX11独有技术,AMD早在HD2000系显卡中就加入曲面细分单元)。使用此引擎大大增加画面多边形数、细节水平以及光源数量。
Ben Sugden在此引擎简介中写道“这段视频是我们研发大型纹理技术的成果。整个视频中的世界大概用了100亿个多边形。”