“The only other user experience issue I have with Surface has to do with CPU utilization when using Office 2013. Surface, like all Windows RT tablets, comes with a free installation of Office 2013 Student & Home Edition. Surface also happens to use a quad-core NVIDIA Tegra 3 SoC, featuring four ARM Cortex A9 cores running at up to 1.3GHz. At least for the Cortex A9 generation, I don’t know that Microsoft could’ve used anything slower. Simply typing quickly in Microsoft Word maxes the single threaded performance of Tegra 3’s ARM Cortex A9 cores. I’ve seen CPU usage a high as 50% when typing very quickly, but mostly it tends to sit between 20 – 40%. Switch to notepad and max CPU utilization drops to sub 10%. This says more about Office 2013 than the performance of NVIDIA’s Tegra 3, but there are not a whole lot of spare CPU cycles to go around with Surface”
在使用Office 2013的时候也遇到了CPU占用率导致的用户体验问题。Surface和其他Win RT平板一样都预装了免费的学生/家庭版Office。而Surface恰好用了T3 Soc,带4个1.3G的Arm A9核心。至少对于A9,我从来不知道Offce还能这么慢。在Word里边随便打打字都能让一个A9核心占用率到满。当打字比较快的时候能发现CPU占用率最高达到50%,一般是20%-40%。