Tempestglen 发表于 2013-1-7 08:51 ![]()
intel目前确实是笑傲江湖,打趴下一大票RISC,连IBM都处于下风了,但是貌 ...
搞笑了,同样的Core 2,你要拿TDP来说事儿,而不是实测功耗来说事儿,太扯蛋了吧?
同样的65W,Core 2能跑到3G好不?
同样的2.1G,Core 2完全可以做到25W TDP,看看移动版的CPU就知道了。
而,“The P.A. Semi PA6T-1682M, developed in 65-nanometer process technology, is a 64-bit dual-core microprocessor, designed from the ground up, based on the company's Power Architecture license from IBM. The 1682M integrates what is typically a three- to five-chip-set platform into a single chip, called a "platform processor." Total device power dissipation is 5-13W (typical), and worst-case power is 25W, with both CPUs running at 2 GHz and all peripherals active. This is three times to four times lower power than other processor solutions implemented in 65-nanometer process technology with equivalent peripherals support.”
用Core 2的实测值,和PA6T的幻灯片比较,是哪回事呢??