对游戏画面的一些初始印象。 *注意, 数码相机拍摄的屏幕有些许的曝光过度, 实际的显示效果比照片上看起来要暗一些并且要真实的多*
Far Cry从来没有看起来那么好过。多漂亮的绿色。 *再次声明, 数码相机拍摄的屏幕有些许的曝光过度, 实际的显示效果比照片上看起来要暗一些并且要真实的多*
Backlighting: Tough to tell but blacks really good from what I can see. I need to verify backlight bleeding when its dark out, the makes it impossibe to tell with the sun out. Further updates to come
Sharpness: Razor sharp. Period. My desktop looks so nice and crisp its unreal, even the Dell didn't do it this good.
Ghosting/Blurring: Initial testing shows very light ghosting in very fast movement, mostly in HL2 Deatmatch. The screen may also be still cold from Fedex so further testing is need. So far, so good.
拖影/模糊:最开始的测试显示在很快速的移动中有非常轻微的拖影,大多出现在HL 2的死亡竞赛中。可能显示器被快递送过来以后仍然温度比较低,没有充分的预热,过段时间的测试可能更好一些。不管怎么说,这项测试的结果挺好。
Colors: Something viewsonic has always done well and the VX2025wm is no exception. A few little tweaks with the easy to use Viewsonic menu and easy button interface made colors so real and true. Can't wait to do some photoshop and Priemiere with it!
ScreenDoor: Heard intital impressions here and at widescreen forums about screendoor effect. Quick initial testing through MY EYES shows little to none. I need to more playing with BF2 and fast paced gaming to verify this. So far, nothing to be concered and CRAP loads better then Dells 20005FWP
屏幕门效应【LCD画面是透射型,光源在液晶片的后面;表现黑色需把光线全部遮挡,很难做到,放图像的黑色实际上是灰的。其二.每个像素之间的隔离层总有一定宽度,故近看画面会有窗纱一样的线条,俗称屏幕门(screendoor)效应。】:最初听到屏幕门效应是在这里和宽屏幕论坛上。不过用我的眼睛做了一些快速的测试发现小到难以察觉。我需要多玩玩战地2和那些快速移动的游戏来验证这一点。至少,没有比Dells 20005FWP更垃圾的了。
First inital frowning: No highth adjustment. I knew this from the start when buying it but the monitor sits pretty low in stock form. No rotation ability either. Dissapointing coming from Dells or other Viewsonic monitors. Will probably have to get some kinda stand for it to sit up higher. Portrait and picky LCD people, BE WARNED!!
LCD input lag: Im only putting this in to put to ease the 2405FPW whiners. From my early tests, I can sense no input lag. I will continue testing to verify this.
AntiGlare coating: Does its job well but does make image somewhat fuzzy, nothing worth bitching about though.
Viewing Angles: Again, hard to tell with daylight sun but so far, real good side to side and good up and down. Crap loads better then the red hued Dell 2005fpw
可视角度:还是那句话,在白天的时候很难说这个问题,但是,不管是从侧边到侧边还是从上到下的效果都还是不错的。反正比红色外观的Dell 2005fpw要好。
Initial quality tests: Pixel buddy confirms, No dead pixels. Wooo hooo!!!!! Thank God!
I will continue testing and give updates as I use the monitor after work tonight. Stay tuned, I think Viewsonic may have a winner!
翻译完了,我想说明一下,因为本人英文水平有限,没有办法保证最后几段总结的完全正确性,所以我特地也将原文放出供大家参考比较。如果有翻译的不对的地方欢迎大家指正。希望对你们有所帮助! |