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kx 3539 is finally out!

发表于 2007-8-29 22:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
3539 is finally out!
: s0 h0 K/ n8 ~7 k% Y/ E  j
# k* P" Y7 o' w' m& a- Kchanges:* F" q+ N7 I3 w1 @# j7 x
* improved a2zsnb support$ r$ i& v9 F" A# W
* added ASIO support for Vista (x86 ONLY)
( u  Y6 \# [$ n! H& B* several minor fixes
) \) ~# E9 W- W* h% m( D6 `" H1 z) v
developer note:7 m; W" ~) `' A- E
The driver no longer links against debugging libraries, legacy DSP effects and plugins might not work without recompilation! MFC42D and MSVCRTD no longer required.9 T- \# \3 L$ @
- Q  L5 v, R$ n7 H4 ]# M% [3 [  V9 D
known issues:
: J: R! J# k" n9 L& b. x
7 D. B: l+ E5 M0 @% d) L1 M6 k1. hardware-related2 @+ u( c1 {& g$ |+ l4 K! Q# f5 E: ?6 E4 s$ a
* digital noise/beep instead of audio playback (PCI bus-related) - since 2001... on certain PCI chipsets only.5 K! [1 n/ n0 c/ \/ }- e
7 f2 h$ H( T2 r* b8 C  C
solutions: try to disable/enable the device (don't forget to close kX Mixer first!); try 'kxctrl -rv'; try to play any MIDI file for some time; reboot/ @& [6 j& }2 d( V* G

- L" R3 q) i9 F- z- Y8 }* Line3 (AUX) may be too noisy on A2PlatinumEx (undocumented initalization)
( A. L$ a3 @9 n4 f* D# b; Msolution: try to disable/re-enable the driver in the device manager (don't forget to close kX Mixer)
( K# Y0 e  r. q% z7 O8 W% k8 q
+ |  a* j% ]; f( c6 B; t  f) [1 I* sysex is corrupt if it is too long
! e7 y. w9 y3 T' a8 b/ \I tried to reproduce this problem: MIDI-In is working properly, MIDI Out seems to be buggy. don't know if I can fix this soon
% E) B6 n) e- \7 K& L2 n3 w- x7 B
1 B3 ]! U5 b% L2. OS-Specific issues
2 N3 G: H4 s0 N" I9 U3 @& T* NO x64 support (Vista x64 and WinXP x64)
  u5 \5 l/ t1 q( s" ^: Z0 }9 `* NO support for AC-3 stuff in Vista (please check, I'm not sure...)
- r) v- J: U- a1 i% ~- ~" J* Vista mixer controls are not working properly. Please don't use them. kX Mixer might be missing certain sliders. You can unassign all mixer controls and use kX Mixer instead of Windows Vista Mixer. Or just ignore kX Mixer controls and use Vista mixer instead
! o9 i' z* ^, Y: `/ C5 U! `* for better audio quality, set Vista audio format to stereo, 48000, 16 bit (for non-HQ devices)1 B  |5 `( N& a# c+ B* e# }& c
4 m5 O, s+ M8 C, z% z4 n8 ~3 ]+ D- y4 S
3. known a2zs notebook issues
" |" a3 C# B' N& c% T! q* there might be an audible click when starting audio playback and for every MIDI note - no solution" _+ i8 n5 i0 p- T" A- w
* there might be constant noise instead of audio playback: solutions: disable/enable the device in the device manager; or: reboot; or: kxctrl -rv6 M9 h  n2 w! T
* certain PCMCIA controllers are not compatible. please review Creative labs site for details) \6 u; X# j$ G
* all audio inputs and outputs (including digital) should work
/ x5 _% }2 ]5 `) ~0 n2 s( n* AC-3 functionality was not fully tested. please report your thoughts on this
0 X! K" O  Z6 m* XTRAM DSP effects can produce audible noise. This is caused by BIOS setting (HLT instruction to keep the CPU idle) - solution: disable this in BIOS
% M  t9 v  J! B- F* Y5 V4 G) I2 Y; S; i# A1 ^. u2 E0 _% W
- z% x4 K- w7 a6 ^# w
this driver version does NOT support (as 3538 and previous ones...):! n9 g( ]$ G7 d; G4 _3 s
* EAX 2.0
4 Y1 \9 i" f8 h2 f! g- K0 D/ F( I* 24/96 ASIO- M( ?; o- r: y: E. t- q- [: p3 p4 W
* WaveHQ device (24/96) playback/recording on p17v (a2value, a2zsnotebook) - it was errornously enabled in 3538, but since p16v and p17v are different chips, no support is currently available (it didn't work in 3538 anyway)! g7 f6 b9 @8 a5 z  K
* E-mu 1820-like hardware
6 r5 ?( U8 v, F  Y% u2 \1 e* passthru on 10k1-based devices) H! x, e: u3 R8 b, {# F

  h. O) ^! S' F1 V/ ]9 M- }---( ]" y; R/ V. Q6 s6 |
finally, download link:5 v' y- |8 Q8 G! F! T* x' m% ?
发表于 2007-8-30 01:13 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-30 10:22 | 只看该作者
' O3 P& k3 b/ O* _2 j" Phttp://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=12339122672182462492
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发表于 2007-8-30 17:02 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-30 19:18 | 只看该作者
安装好了,和原来的区别不大,主要是WINDOWS音频设置主页面灰色,不可以选择* }) ]& Y8 S6 y! z0 Y& r% U8 Q
FOOBAR2000原来KS模式选择KX WAVE ......HQ,回放32位会不正常,现在可以了5 t3 v- s4 c3 h( J4 k  u% u7 ~7 [
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