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小日本评测 AP2496 VS MIA VS SE-80PCI (转)

发表于 2007-10-13 22:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
[size=-1]DELTA Audiophile2496[size=-1]ECHO DIGITAL AUDIO MIA[size=-1]ONKYO SE-80PCI

2 @9 m/ t; {# ~& @[size=+1]■ ノイズの少ないMIA。ドライブのアクセス音は影響少   V3 E; Y* c7 ^, N+ h8 c+ ~' R
 では、さっそく実験結果について見ていこう。まずは入出力を直結し、何も再生しない無音の状態でレコーディングしたらどれくらいのノイズが仱毪?趣い?g験から。それぞれの結果をグラフで見れば、その差はハッキリわかるだろう。  ちょっとスケールが違うので、わかりにくいが、この結果を見る限りMIAがダントツにいい。-90.3dBという小さなレベルのノイズが出ているものの、その出方も少なく、DCオフセットもない。これはハードウェアの構造が、Audiophile2496やSE-80PCIと大きく異なることが要因となっているのだろう。 無音状態(1)8 o2 b" S/ Q: M# b9 ^6 `
(CD-ROM、HDD非動作時)[size=-1]Audiophile2496[size=-1]MIA[size=-1]SE-80PCI MIAのみは、バランスケーブルで入出力ともに接続できるため、ノイズの影響を受けにくい。また入出力レベルも民生機が扱う-10dBvのほかに+4dBvのモードも持っており、これも有効に働いているはずだ(ここでは+4dBvで計測)。Audiophile2496の結果も、レベル的にはMIAのものとそれほど変わらないが、ピークはもう少し大きく、信号も完全にランダムなノイズとなっている。一方のSE-80PCIは-75dB程度のノイズが入っており、MIAやAudiophileとは明らかに質が違うものであることがわかる。  次に、CD-ROMドライブやHDDの動作中にレコーディングしてみた。結果はグラフの通りだ。先ほどのものと比較しても、ほとんど違いは見受けられない。よく、「レコーディングするとドライブのアクセス音が入ってしまう」と言う人がいるが、マシンの環境にもよるのかもしれない。前回のものを含め、これまでの実験からそうした状況は見受けられなかった。 無音状態(2)
8 V4 x- j# d. v/ K, e1 ?(CD-ROM、HDD動作時)[size=-1]Audiophile2496[size=-1]MIA[size=-1]SE-80PCI 次に行なったのが、-20dBの矩形波をレコーディングし、その波形がどのくらい歪むかを見るというもの。これについては、前回もあまり差はなかったが、それは今回も同様だった。高性能なデバイスならもっとキレイな波形になるのではと思ったが、なかなかそうも行かないようだ。 -20dBの矩形波[size=-1]Audiophile2496[size=-1]MIA[size=-1]SE-80PCI 4番目の実験は、これらのノイズを周波数帯ごとに見るとどうなっているのかを見るもの。具体的には1kHzのサイン波をレコーディングした際の周波数成分がどうなっているかを見る実験である。  ノイズの大きさは1番目の無音を録音する実験からもある程度予測できるが、これを見るとより状況がハッキリわかる。やはり結果はMIA、Audiophile2496、SE-80PCIの順となっており、特にSE-80PCIは倍音成分以外のノイズがかなり入り込んでいるのがわかる。 1kHzのサイン波[size=-1]Audiophile2496[size=-1]MIA[size=-1]SE-80PCI 最後はスウィープ信号を使った周波数特性を見るもの。どれだけ低域から高域までフラットに音が出ているか、フラットにレコーディングできるかを見る実験であるが、これはノイズとはまた少し次元の違ったテストであり、必ずしもノイズの状況には連動しない。とはいえ、これら3つの結果からはMIAが健闘している。低音もフラットであるし、高域もかなり伸びている。AudiophileやSE-80PCIも、それほど目立って大きな差はない。その意味では、いずれの製品もまずまずであるといっていいだろう。 スウィープ信号[size=-1]Audiophile2496[size=-1]MIA[size=-1]SE-80PCI: v! M1 H& y7 C2 E) \
3 i. y. k0 r1 @+ [) c4 e0 x

4 L( B0 n6 o" mhttp://www.watch.impress.co.jp/av/docs/20030203/dal86.htm8 x2 ~- m  T+ U. F- G* o
% y, `4 W, d: ?* D; ?& e
[ 本帖最后由 讨厌爱迪生 于 2007-10-13 23:19 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-10-13 23:24 | 只看该作者
:wacko: 看不懂,好坏转个E文的呀(_(
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路路步兵 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-10-14 00:26 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-10-14 00:34 | 只看该作者
6 k* I1 P( r$ q1 V3 M$ `: B3 g4 J
/ d0 O3 J( C  H0 n8 e4 H/ B The 86th: PC audio devices to check the quality <br "> ~ 2: spread-priced PCI audio card's ability to
& h" }* a7 i9 z+ K7 l( |7 G  e
Last week, Roland's new product reports showing since the first week it was opened, 85 times to continue, PC audio devices to check the sound quality.
This feature is a relatively low price, three PCI audio card.
ECHO DIGITAL AUDIOの「 MIA 」、 ONKYOの「 SE-80PCI 」、 M-AUDIOの「 Audiophile2496 」だ。
ECHO DIGITAL AUDIO "MIA", ONKYO the [url=]"SE-80PCI", M-AUDIO[/url] "Audiophile2496".
- H% J: w8 e2 L. K$ ?7 E# b0 Q5 E) d5 V, S. O8 h
[size=+1]■ 選んだのはM-AUDIO、ECO、ONKYOの3製品
[size=+1]■ chose the M-AUDIO, ECO, ONKYO three products 9 A0 Z4 e/ `9 O* P" j) }( s' X8 ^
The last time the USB device, a PCI sound card, motherboard, respectively What difference is there to see it.
USBデバイスの代表としてEDIROLの「UA-700」、サウンドカードの代表として「Sound Blaster Audigy2」、マザーボードとしては筆者手持ちのGIGABYTEの「GA-8IGX」(オーディオチップとしては、RealtekのALC650 PCI sound controller)を取り上げた。
EDIROL USB devices as a representative of the "UA-700", a sound card as a representative of "Sound Blaster Audigy2", as the motherboard is the author of the stock GIGABYTE "GA-8IGX" (as in audio chip, Realtek's ALC650 sound PCI controller) mentioned. % `% L1 H. I/ s* y* k" ]! ]
As a result, simply rectangular wave to expand viewed only in the one of the devices are not very big difference could not see.
However, the noise and focus on the difference can be several.
First, the input-output devices to be connected directly to the output side from the sound of it under one state record and none of the recording devices can be noise.
However, depending on the product level is different.
In addition, this frequency analysis and then trying a small part of the harmonic component not only in the extensive variety of noise in it is the incorporation of noise difference is as plain as a pikestaff.
Meanwhile, the results of the sweep signal is sent, depending on the characteristics of the product were mixed.
Less noise is good and the situation is not flatly.
This from the same genre of products compared to the director this time is 1 to 3 million yen at a relatively low price, you can buy an audio card targets.
To see the results, before picking up the three products briefly introduce keep.
[size=-1]DELTA Audiophile2496
[size=-1]DELTA Audiophile2496
[size=-1]ONKYO SE-80PCI
[size=-1]ONKYO SE-80PCI
 まずM-AUDIOの「Delta Audiophile2496」は、DTM市場などで非常に人気のある低価格オーディオカードで、実売2万円程度の製品。
First M-AUDIO "Delta Audiophile2496", DTM market, a very popular low-priced audio card with the actual selling 2 million yen products.
Delta Series in the entry model as being but the cards on the imbalance of ch 2 and Analog (RCA terminals), and S / PDIF input and output is also equipped with a MIDI input and output, and an almighty the specification of the product.
Cubase or Logic, Sonar DAW software such as the use of the latency is small that even have a reputation.
Also, resident of the configuration utility for each input and output levels can be set.
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发表于 2007-10-14 00:35 | 只看该作者
继续继续,日英对照' u, p5 ?' s2 s6 x! V
[size=-1]Audiophile2496 Configuration Utility
[size=-1]Eight virtual output with MIA

% {( t# V4 ?" v$ s+ D0 V" B
 MIAはECHO DIGITAL AUDIOの製品で、標準価格は39,800円。
ECHO is MIA DIGITAL AUDIO products, and the standard price is 39,800 yen.
In the domestic market hook up deals.
ECHO is Layla24, Mona, Gina24 such as rack mountable Breakout box to use high-end products to be released.
The MIA is the best positioned as a low-end products, 24 bit/96kHz respond.
Audio terminal mounted on the card, and analog terminal of the input and output both balanced / unbalanced TRS von corresponding to two at a time.
The Digital Coaxial S / PDIF input-output features.
However, internal to eight virtual output with the driver as it is on the inside through a two-channel mixer to mix in output by default. , u9 Q( Y/ k! O" C+ v2 o3 M; l
And the third is the SE-80PCI ONKYO products.
実売8,000円程度で購入できる手軽なデバイスで、サウンドチップにESS TechnologyのMaestro M3iを搭載する。
Net paid 8,000 yen you can buy a handy device, a sound chip with ESS Technology's Maestro M3i.
2 ch analog input and output, digital input and output as optical S / PDIF Equipped with the analog part of the dore terminal use, such as circuit wiring to be attentive felt.
However, the sampling rate is fixed at 48 kHz, 16-bit sampling-bit number for the Audiophile and MIA and the different genres of products.
Price-thought-top version of the sound card is a good representation might be.
In addition, the SE-80PCI personal setting for a hard time.
PC cases in the shape of the problem, SE-80PCI to wear it could not.
SE-80PCI, RCA terminals are largely sticking with the very end have been installed, because my machine, it could not physically connect.
Reluctantly, SE-80PCI back of the bracket to remove the somewhat precarious state of experiments conducted.
! T- g  L4 X% C6 _% V" M& p
[size=+1]■ ノイズの少ないMIA。
[size=+1]■ MIA less noise.
[size=+1]Drive access will affect the sound a bit 3 J0 x! B" }) [- K8 ]  P# M
Now, once Let's look at the results of the experiment.
First, direct access to input and output to anything do not play in silence After recording how much noise is ride from the experiment.
Each result chart standpoint, the difference is clear understood.
4 X4 }8 i# S1 T
Scale is a little different, so obscure, but the results look as good MIA is overriding.
-90.3 DB noise level is a little out of the country, but also reduce the wait, no DC offset.
This is a hardware structure, and the SE-80PCI Audiophile2496 differ greatly from that factor is going on.
Silent state (1) + w: P& T( p3 V3 d
(CD-ROM, HDD Nonoperating)
MIA only is the balance of cable can be connected to both the input and output for the noise-affected difficult.
Also input and output levels are -10 dBv civilian aircraft to be used in addition to +4 dBv modes have, which is available to work with it (here is +4 dBv measurements).
Audiophile2496 result of the level-MIA is not so different from that of the peak is a little larger and also completely random noise signal has been.
Meanwhile the SE-80PCI is -75 dB level of noise in the MIA and Audiophile quality and is clearly different from that you know.
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发表于 2007-10-14 00:36 | 只看该作者
Then, the CD-ROM drive and HDD behavior in the recording it.
As a result of the graph.
Compared to the earlier ones, little difference was found.
Well, "access to sound recording and drive in it," people who say that the machines are also environmentally According maybe.
Previous including those of the previous experiment from such situations are evidently did not.
State silent (2) 2 p5 S, d4 }3 @4 M3 X" j
(CD-ROM, HDD Operating)
Then after that, -20 dB rectangular wave recording, and the waveform is how much fat see that.
This is the last time also was not much difference, but it was the same.
If more sophisticated devices kirei of waveform to be in the thought that, but that would be not to.
-20 DB rectangular wave
The fourth experiment, these noise frequency band and see what each is going to see.
Concrete is 1 kHz sine wave recording when the frequency component is to see what the experiment.
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发表于 2007-10-14 00:37 | 只看该作者
Noise size of the first silent recording experiment from some predictable, but it is clear to see and understand from the situation.
Results are still MIA, Audiophile2496, SE-80PCI order and the harmonic component is particularly SE-80PCI non infiltrated by the noise is quite know.
1 kHz sine wave
The last sweep signal using frequency characteristics to see.
How low range from flat to high frequency sound is coming out, you can see flat to a recording of the experiment, which is also a little noise and test different dimension, and not necessarily the noise situation is not interlocking.
Still, all three of these result from the MIA is in a strong showing.
Bass also flat in the area is also very high growth.
Audiophile and SE-80PCI, the big difference is not so outstandingly.
In that sense, any decent also saying that good.
Sweep Signal
Next, USB devices can take up to three products expected to be.
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发表于 2007-10-14 00:43 | 只看该作者
  V1 R5 Y0 R* u% |底躁AP2496也排在了末尾
% e; A+ e1 C6 |+ K  T6 l* ?LZ不了解pcworld的一些细节,其实大图都在的
) b3 e/ ~: P* }0 T) M$ t& O9 r: Z! i1 `
; _4 m: `$ ~' c8 [2 S

( O$ R$ v" {! ^
/ }3 H" e/ y0 J! J  ?5 k9 X0 z6 X7 {2 d! ?" A
3 s  [) C: H; |1 v
/ S! s$ c7 f- d: e! i) H+ g
) t! I& S) w- I! a  s# z

! F3 Q" W" n9 M: p-20DB的方波
4 ~& W$ J( H5 x9 W
5 P9 T, t) c* F3 \) x
( j" [: B' F, k2 G& p
: W2 \1 l- p, J. |  a  |$ Y) n0 q$ T以上,似乎SE80已经赢了
+ t# U  M5 }7 `& d0 b0 v+ W# P# z6 p$ A% o. w/ x8 o/ i8 R( B' ]$ p
THD) l3 F) Y2 @5 l

# h( }) H) l. l7 s9 v4 o
4 l9 ^1 O" b. a: u  H
- _9 ?+ Y. r6 y$ V
" Q, s7 z& ~/ A% y/ g这个么,SE80就别指望了,先天不足,SE90那个THD应该都看过了吧,扫扫这几块卡还是轻松的3 x# y, G" d/ c! v3 N
# U: B7 d( v1 K3 q7 Y! v6 d' I
5 ?6 ^' v' }6 p: G( y/ M& \- S" o+ j
3 f& k4 c8 v5 F3 L& f5 Y, f
/ A7 O1 E: K5 P. j5 X

% Y0 i3 g: |2 i/ J' F' U9 z4 P[ 本帖最后由 Dr.BT 于 2007-10-14 00:46 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-10-14 00:56 | 只看该作者
* M! `5 q1 T5 q% Q2 Fhttp://www.watch.impress.co.jp/av/docs/20050328/dal184.htm/ Z% \. W& k! |, W: z3 U$ i
" ~! E" z! m4 n2 s6 H  D1 u
% R% ]( G! d3 M9 J
- V3 k  V- q( ~2 s
顺便这次多了这个9 `# ^' ~  |. ^" N# H$ W- O
4 E- U" n) Q7 C+ O

0 t3 t, O7 N  G! E, a1 a5 K补充下se200的成绩. I: K5 U" f. d( ^

. q% g! E" a# d0 z
: R) e& i4 D/ n" M8 }[ 本帖最后由 Dr.BT 于 2007-10-14 00:59 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-10-14 00:57 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-14 01:11 | 只看该作者
SE-80 杀猫大图
% T" e/ h3 C! E/ |5 {1 r- J1 z6 N+ J- _$ K9 \, v

, _6 X( v# @8 {4 P( A; _
; k7 [; S' d; Y4 ~[ 本帖最后由 讨厌爱迪生 于 2007-10-14 01:17 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-10-14 12:53 | 只看该作者
原帖由 chairmanai 于 2007-10-14 00:57 发表
+ ~( t4 ?" ^7 I5 U, s# jSE-80什么架构啊,有这成绩已经很牛了:funk:

; n( M% K; T" N* o5 ?) q1 e:huh: / E3 X+ o  e' D( w* z4 p; G
& G, a4 W  H! N! l  k. H( ?: jse200那个jitter测试成绩可以拼9632的同轴了:funk:
# U$ V- C0 F# D2 ~# D: d. b* N, Y" q. x7 \0 ^. ^) m5 t* M
同时翻了下这个家伙的文集8 E1 Y) o( @7 G. _) f
发现se200光纤部分的那些oscon是针对波形特挑的:sweatingbullets: " o4 J, q" y7 _' y$ m8 t
另外那个VLSC的设计是针对PCI的,估计PCIE和USB等接口暂时不用想了6 L, x2 T: k0 V" ^- U
+ `! |  ^% l# u/ H6 L$ j8 ]4 u# R. _
[ 本帖最后由 Dr.BT 于 2007-10-14 12:55 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-10-14 12:57 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-10-14 13:00 | 只看该作者
原帖由 Dr.BT 于 2007-10-14 12:53 PM 发表
9 S$ W+ H* n: T
, ~+ Y7 s: e! E+ k:huh: ; c+ @. ?) T  B7 t8 n
5 Q% @6 h7 ~- O4 j7 {% T0 h4 Dse200那个jitter测试成绩可以拼9632的同轴了:funk:1 ?3 G2 {+ [% l( R% E/ j+ }- o# c3 X" n

) o& ]9 J$ R% K  z3 x# q+ F同时翻了下这个家伙的文集9 g" e7 Y. h2 D! G
1 k% u  V: K; x) O9 X2 i另外 ...
* J+ @0 E, H( \6 s6 a5 c

/ U) u( V  S; H3 c: Z: x那么BT?这卡又不贵,居然连os-con都特挑?:funk: 2 V: X# F8 ]+ P& X
: d4 m$ z) i" K3 z
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发表于 2007-10-14 13:04 | 只看该作者
原帖由 chairmanai 于 2007-10-14 13:00 发表 / I, r' k# E0 Y+ c" \0 }$ o/ I

  Z" P  D9 ?! d/ N* r( Z1 J. A
) a9 ^5 n% `( P  }4 l# W" F那么BT?这卡又不贵,居然连os-con都特挑?:funk:
: ~8 X* U0 |( p) M3 |2 T) y5 X3 s0 i. ^4 a0 u  Q( [
# ~  n+ i' @* D& R/ i4 c
onkyo的这些声卡都被丢在onkyo自己的pc上了...; ]0 E9 ^0 D6 A* @/ H, `: r
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发表于 2007-10-14 13:20 | 只看该作者
原帖由 Dr.BT 于 2007-10-14 01:04 PM 发表 ! j8 j# t6 d4 D  [2 H; [" B

" C: z& Z$ t% O4 Donkyo的这些声卡都被丢在onkyo自己的pc上了...
9 _+ i  [7 |* N- o可以去onkyo看下的,感觉小日本推这个推得很猛,sony的播放器也是pc,上n卡

. U1 x% R0 k8 D! C$ j7 a$ ?& [* m+ w  \3 y  C; e1 h  n3 t
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发表于 2007-10-14 13:24 | 只看该作者
原帖由 chairmanai 于 2007-10-14 13:20 发表
3 b" z+ w2 h3 Y3 q
9 u5 Q# o+ e) @% C5 K0 u* s
: c5 I! @2 o  L! g- R5 }嗯,安桥那款搭载se-150的PC播放器我见过,看起来确实很猛!
; c3 _1 n! i, a! E% J7 S, x
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kenyg2008 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-10-14 14:35 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-10-14 16:56 | 只看该作者
原帖由 kenyg2008 于 2007-10-14 14:35 发表
0 R' V& A- R2 y( v# X& F- K* S+ z2 O+ t/ I: ^

) Q; w( q+ r" l6 c2 \直流电源:funk:
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stevecsd 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-10-14 19:06 | 只看该作者
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