HC还对没能测试 GTX260 作了个勉强可以令人接受的解释:
We should also mention right here and now that we tried getting in a GTX 260 to use in this review but those cards seem harder to find than the cane in a super-sized edition of Where's Waldo.
这里还应该提到的是我们试图得到一块 GTX260 来做对比测试,但目前这个卡看来比火星还火星(Phoenix 无辜地回答,我确实挖过了,我连水都找到了>_<)
Indeed, in every AMD document I have seen, the HD4870 was supposed be competing directly with the 9800GTX. Well, they seem to have pulled a fast one on all of us since this card beats the 9800GTX until it's black and blue.
的确在 AMD 官方放出的每一份文档中,HD4870 的对手都是 9800GTX。那么可以说他们这次打了个漂亮的闪电战,9800GTX 毫无招架之力,被打到不成人形。
So, this card accomplishes something that has only happened once before in the history of this site; it wins both the Dam Good Award and the Dam Good Value Award. Bravo AMD, ATI and Palit. Bravo.
[ 本帖最后由 ArseneKarl 于 2008-6-27 15:47 编辑 ] |