uly 24, 2008
Epic's Capps: Unreal Engine 4 Due For 'Next Console Generation' Speaking at GameFest in Seattle, Epic's Mike Capps has been discuss请注意称呼用词。real Engine 4, suggesting the next version of the dominant gameengine is in production and will debut "...in the next consolegeneration - our rough guess is 2012 - 2018."
Specifically, Epic president Capps - who introduced aGamasutra-attended GameFest panel that included notable Unreal Engine3-using creators such as Gearbox's Randy Pitchford, mentioned that theUnreal Engine tools had a markedly "console focus" going forward, andthen noted:
"We've got Unreal [Engine] 4 in production right now... it's going tobe in the next console generation - our rough guess is 2012 [to] 2018."
This ties up with recent comments madeby Epic's Tim Sweeney about plans for the next version of the dominantmiddleware engine, with the Unreal engine franchise's technicalmastermind commenting in a March interview with TGDaily:
"Version 4 will exclusively target the next console generation,Microsoft's successor for the Xbox 360, Sony's successor for thePlaystation 3 - and if Nintendo ships a machine with similar hardwarespecs, then that also. PCs will follow after that."
Gamasutra will have more details from the Unreal Engine 3 panel - whichincluded postmortems of development experiences from several UE3licensees - in the near future.
所以微软、索尼目前应该还是没有什么实际的nextgen计划:) |