ATI screams about DX10.1, again | | |
Written by Nermin Hajdarbegovic | Monday, 18 August 2008 12:06 |
Nvidia robbed its customers of DX10.1
As Fudo reported here, the vast majority of IT hacks present at the R700 launch event in Belgrade didn't find DirectX10.1 a very important feature in the big scheme of things. Some of them might have been just too lazy to raise their hand, or were too shy. Some probably weren't feeling too well either, thanks to an ugly heatwave which turned the picturesque Serbian capital into the biggest frying pan in the Balkans.
However, it's still a fact that things with DirectX10.1 aren't going ATI's way. Just remember the Assassin's Creed controversy, as well as Futuremark's decision not to include the API in its latest benchmark. Most developers embraced DirectX10.1, but actual DX10.1 titles don't seem to be catching up with their promises and ATI's expectations.
After Fudo posted the story, AMD's Senior Marketing manager for EMEAI, Ian McNaughton, sat Fudzilla down for a talk about DX10.1. He basically said DX10.1 was far more important than the hacks in the room thought.
"Nvidia robbed its consumers of DX10.1", said McNaughton, "DX10.1 is free and it would have taken them just a few weeks of work to implement DX10.1 in their products."
According to Ian, Nvidia is working on a gradual implementation of DirectX10.1, and as DX10.1 is an integral part of DX11, this is to be expected. McNaughton went on to say that AMD offers a superior price/performance ratio than its competitors, and DX10.1 just adds more value to their products.
So who's to blame for ATI's DX10.1 woes? Well, a decade ago a certain graphics company tried to persuade consumers they didn't need 32-bit color in their games. One of their competitors seized the opportunity and sent 3dfx to the happy hunting grounds. It didn't stop there, Nvidia ended up acquiring it and learning a few lessons in the process, but that's another story.
The point is, like Nvidia, 3dfx was lulled into a false sense of security. 3dfx was on top for too long, it got arrogant, it got lazy and it paid the ultimate price. Two years ago Nvidia conquered the DX10 market, taking the lead and leaving ATI sloppy seconds. However, Nvidia didn't just conquer the DX10 market, it created it from scratch, prematurely, mainly thanks to its aggressiveness and arrogance.
Arrogance is not necessarily a bad thing, if you can afford it, that is. It seems ATI could do with a bit now that it's on top, and we're sure more people would start raising their hand when asked if DX10.1 was important.
刚开始提到的事件发生后,作为AMD公司EMEAI的市场营销经理Ian McNaughton与Fudzilla相关人士谈了谈DX10.1,Ian McNaughton认为:DX10.1的重要性是有些眼光狭隘的业界人士所无法想像的。
据Ian McNaughton说,目前NVIDIA正在逐步的使自己的产品具备DX10.1,毕竟DX10.1是DX11不可或缺的一部分。而AMD所提供的的产品除了性价比超越对手外,拥有DX10.1使得AMD的产品更有价值。 谁说AMD支持的DX10.1是个鸡肋?十年前某个图形公司还试图劝说消费者,游戏中更本不需要32位色彩,而另一家公司抓住机会与3dfx合作,获得了市场。NVIDIA现在还没发现而已,不过迟早他们会后悔的,不过这是另一个故事了。