AVIVO translator秒杀一切:shifty:
I hate to be so negative about aproduct like Badaboom because it holds so much potential, unfortunatelyit just left me disappointed. There’s no way to set custom resolutions,there’s a 5Mbps bitrate cap, there’s no support for Main/High H.264profiles, there’s no support for Dolby Digital/DTS audio, you can'tconvert Blu-ray movies, DivX support is flaky at best and there areoutput issues with some DVD titles
The 8800 GT, 9800 GTX and GTX 200 class ofproducts all offer somewhere in the 2 - 4x range of a performanceimprovement over Intel's quad-core CPUs. While eight-core Nehalems willhelp close that gap, it's clear that GPUs are much more energyefficient for video transcoding.
There's clearly potential forGPU-accelerated H.264 video encoding, but the first attempt washonestly a bust. Let's hope Elemental or someone else gets it right forround two...
[ 本帖最后由 clawhammer 于 2008-8-19 15:27 编辑 ] |