larrabee相当于2006年的产品,是Peter Glaskowsky说的,Peter Glaskowsky哪是nv员工?
The paper itself, however, has already been published, and I was able to get a copy of it. (Unfortunately, as you'll see at that link, the paper is normally available only to members of the Association for Computing Machinery.)
Peter Glaskowsky是在8月4号去Association for Computing Machinery下载了larrabee的paper后,用了一天的时间来好好分析, 在8月5号得出结论:
而Peter Glaskowsky原意是7-25核心@1G主频的larrabee--相当于2006年的产品vintage Nvidia or Advanced Micro Devices/ATI .
Peter Glaskowsky:But given that limitation of the test procedure, the results don't look very good. To render F.E.A.R. at 60 frames per second--a common definition of good-enough gaming performance--required from 7 to 25 cores, assuming each was running at 1GHz. Although there's a range here depending on the complexity of each frame, good gameplay requires maintaining a high frame rate--so it's possible that F.E.A.R. would, in practice, require at least a 16-core Larrabee processor.And that's about the performance of a 2006-vintage Nvidia or Advanced Micro Devices/ATI graphics chip. This year's chips are three to four times as fast.
----- Peter Glaskowsky为了说明其分析是专业合理的,特地强调一天内看了paper好几次,还有机会与nv/ati的设计师有很多讨论.
I'll be at Siggraph again this year, and I'll have more to say after I've read this paper through a few more times and had a chance to speak with some of the folks I know at AMD, Nvidia, and other companies in the graphics market.
见Peter Glaskowsky的分析原文
http://business2-cnet.com.com/83 ... 84-23.html?tag=more
[ 本帖最后由 gaiban 于 2008-8-26 12:00 编辑 ] |