Computex 2011 AMD 9系列主板即日推出,推土机架构的FX处理器还要等Q3
虽然AMD近年将重心转向发展SoC化的APU产品,号称费时5年研发的Bulldozer架构的FX处理器仍受到许多消费者的期待,Bulldozer采用全新的双核心为一单元的概念,预计今年所推出的旗舰产品具备4单元、8核心的设计。但是Computex AMD记者会并未如预期的正式发表FX处理器,仅先宣布FX所搭配的AMD 9系列芯片组主板即日上市,至于FX处理器还要等到第三季才会推出,而AMD的VP表示,9系列主板可以向下兼容既有的AM3处理器,意思是主板可以先买回家放着等插旧处理器吗?
所以现在呈现一个可以买到主板,却只能先用现有的处理器顶着的奇怪局面吗?至于9系列芯片组的重点在于拥有更高速的I/O,包括SATA 6Gb,并且支持多重RAID技术,另外可支持最多4GPU的CrossFire技术,以及部份厂商出货的主板可以支持NVIDIA的SLI技术。
Although in recent years, AMD have shifted their focus to APU products based on SoC concept, the new FX-series CPU, 'Bulldozer', which claimed to have spend five years in development, still attracts many attentions from consumer who eagerly awaits its arrival. However, instead of the much anticipated official release of new FX-series processors, on this year's Computex, AMD only announced that main boards with 9-series chipset, which is meant for accompanying the new FX-series processor, is now available for mass market. As for the new FX-series processors, it won't be available until sometime in Q3 this year.
So, without the all-new processors, consumers are now facing a dilemma of resorting to use their old processors on main boards with new 9-series chipset for the moment. As for the key features of 9-series chipsets, it's all about faster I/O, which includes support for SATA 6Gb, support for multiple RAID configuration, support for up to 4 GPUs with CrossFireX technology, and some manufacturers even includes support for SLI from NVidia. |