原帖由 WHowe 于 2006-3-1 01:48 发表
偶做GSM SMS开发包4年了,验证过无数次了,移动对移动,联通对联通,短消息本体的状态报告选项有效,移动也没有因为开了一个收费的收条服务而屏蔽本来就有的SR功能。 状态报告绝对有效的,非常有效 ...
After the communications between the client and the server begin, the client can send corresponding commands to the server, which returns responses to commands it has received.
The transmission of commands between SP and SMSC is like in a relay race. Each command and its corresponding response only mean if the result of this command transmission is correct or not. For example, SP sends a short message to a handset, which is realized by sending a Submit command to the local SMG. Then, SP will receive a Submit_Resp response from the SMG. However, even the response means that the Submit command has been received correctly, it does not mean that the short message in the Submit command has been sent to the handset. It only means that the short message has been delivered to the SMG, and the SMG will further process the message, either sending it to SMSC or routing it to another SMG. At the end the destination SMSC will send it to a handset. In case any error occurs during any of the steps, the system will terminate the further transmission of the message, and sends a Report command to the original SP informing the causes of the error (if SP requires feedback).
大概意思是Submit_Resp只能保证网关收到了这个短消息,并不能保证网关已经把这个短消息发送到了手机 |