原帖由 疯一样的男子 于 2008-7-21 17:17 发表 ![]()
GPU physics performance is not a part of this test as GPU physics capabilities are teste ...
Futuremark的3DMARK Vantage的CPU Test从一开始就是设计为支持PPU硬件加速的,所以很明显这个测试不仅仅是CPU Only,而且是支持PPU硬件加速的。
NVIDIA GeForce PhysX 加速是由 CUDA 来实现,对于支持 PhysX 硬件的游戏来说,理论上只要升级 PhysX 驱动就能获得相应的硬件加速。
http://hothardware.com/News/NVID ... heating_Allegation/
Oliver Baltuch of Futuremark had this to offer with respect to NVIDIA'snew technology, 3DMark Vantage and the industry as a whole:
"The driver in question has not been submitted for authorization and isfor demo purposes only. NVIDIA has followed the correct rules fordriver authorization and the BDP by sending us the 177.35 driver (thesame as AMD has sent us the 8.6 driver), both of which are currentlyundergoing the authorization process in our Quality Assurance area atthis moment. Only drivers that have passed WHQL and our driverauthorization process have comparable results that will be allowed foruse in our ORB database and hall of fame.
Futuremark的Driver Optimization Policy for 3DMark Vantage:
1. It is prohibited to for the driver to change the rendering qualitylevel, rendering technique or replace or alter any shaders or otherparts of the workload from that what is requested by 3DMark.
2. With the exception of configuring the correct rendering mode onmulti-GPU systems, it is prohibited for the driver to detect the launchof 3DMark Vantage executable and to alter, replace or override anyquality parameters or parts of the benchmark workload based on thedetection. Optimizations in the driver that utilize empirical data of3DMark Vantage workloads are prohibited.
3. Generic driver optimizations that do not violate the above rules andbenefit applications and games in general, are acceptable only if therendering output is mathematically consistent with that of Microsoft®DirectX® reference rasterizer.
4. The default settings of the benchmark will utilize an AGEIAPhysX PPU hardware if one is available in the system. The utilizationof the AGEIA PhysX PPU can be switched off and the result will still beapproved as a default result.
5. Based on the specification and design of the CPU tests, GPU make,type or driver version may not have a significant effect on the resultsof either of the CPU tests as indicated in Section 7.3 of the 3DMarkVantage specification and whitepaper.
177.35驱动通过了包括第4条、第5条规则在内的整个3DMark Vantage驱动认可,很有可能就是Futuremark现在把 GeForce PhysX 看作是一个 AGEIA PhysX PPU hardware 来处理。
到目前为止,Futuremark 并没有进行 177.35 的 Cancellation of Driver Approvals:
5 Cancellation of Driver Approvals
Futuremark reserves the right to cancel and void the approval of anycurrently approved drivers if the driver is later found not to complywith the Rules and Policies defined in this or later revisions of thisdocument. The change of the approval status will be published on theappropriate driver approval lists on Futuremark’s website. |