只转chuck moore的原话 不讨论(话说这是一幢歪楼)
- Each Bulldozer module is an optimized dual core
- Each Bulldozer "core" is capable of 2 loads/cycle; each is a 4-way out-of-order machine
- Bulldozer module is not bigger in area than Intel's hyperthreading design
- Bulldozer module can achieve ~80% speedup when running 2 threads (versus ~25% from hyperthreading)
- Multiple Bulldozer modules can share the L2 cache; and multiple of those (module? L2?) can share the L3 and NB
- Each INT scheduler can issue 4 inst./cycle; the FP scheduler can issue 4 inst./cycle
- "Over time" a Bulldozer "core" (INT only?) can be deployed in APU to work with GPGPU (for FP?) |