w00t) w00t) w00t) 一个星期没来,已经顶了那么多楼啦,hohoho!!
原文:"however, the worse news is that your execution time on normal CPU is as bad as the synchronous DMA version ."
而且编写部分涉及dynamic linking的程序是个大麻烦,作者还庆幸自己不是编那部分的人呢,原文说:“
luckily only one guy needs to write it for Cell and we can all use it."
关于堆栈还有:”BUT IF YOU NEED more than 4KB,or maybe a whole 16KB ,of stack space then you are not writing for performance."
原文在CPU区好像还有,不信的自己看。不要瞎质疑(_( (_( 小弟看这篇文章可是看了一晚上呢!
另外,还想向developer Racing PHT求证一下RSX到底等同于什么PC卡??希望不要因为不愉快的过去不回答我啊。:a) :a) |